最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.693「テラヘルツ波ケミカル顕微鏡を用いた微量検体中の 新型コロナウイルス内に存在するNタンパク質の高感度検出に成功」など
- スカイロボット、太陽光パネルの故障検出で特許取得
- 理研ら、原子核を見る新型電子顕微鏡の完成
- 9-kW peak power and 150-fs duration blue-violet optical pulses generated by GaInN master oscillator power amplifier
Laser Diode
- 9-kW peak power and 150-fs duration blue-violet optical pulses generated by GaInN master oscillator power amplifier
- Ultrafast Diode Laser with Self-Adapting Pulse-Shaping in Passive, Active and Hybrid Mode-Locking Operation
- Narrow-Linewidth Oxide-Confined Heterogeneously Integrated Si/III-V Semiconductor Laser
- Automated method for wavelength estimation in a two-beam interferometer based on the on–off switching of two laser-diode sources
- Generation of flat wideband chaos with suppressed time delay signature by using optical time lens