最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.691「高調波発生を用いて金属の異方性を可視化」など
- 筑波大ら、テラヘルツ光でガラスの普遍的励起ボソンピークの検出に成功
- 慶大、バイオレット光が近視進行を抑制することを発見
- Secure Key Distribution based on Dynamic Chaos Synchronization of Cascaded Semiconductor Laser Systems
Laser Diode
- Secure Key Distribution based on Dynamic Chaos Synchronization of Cascaded Semiconductor Laser Systems
- Fast random number generation with spontaneous emission noise of a single-mode semiconductor laser
- Investigation of single lateral mode for 852nm diode lasers with ridge waveguide design
- Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosol and gas using Scheimpflug lidar (SLidar) based on diode lasers
- Narrow-linewidth photonic microwave generation based on an optically injected 1550 nm VCSEL subject to optoelectronic feedback