最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.673「 先進レーダ衛星「だいち4号」(ALOS-4)搭載光衛星間通信機器(光ターミナル(OLLCT))の単体性能確認を完了しました」など
- 大出力ファイバーレーザーの国産化実現へ
- 東北大ら、新しい深紫外線 〜 緑色偏光光源を実現
- 横浜国大ら、物質の超高速応答やテラヘルツ波の波形を
高速に測定する手法を開発 - Highly stable solution processed metal-halide perovskite lasers on nanoimprinted distributed feedback structure
Laser Diode
- Highly stable solution processed metal-halide perovskite lasers on nanoimprinted distributed feedback structure
- Determination of external quantum efficiency in semiconductors using pulsed power-dependent photoluminescence
- Theory of the power characteristics of quantum-well lasers with asymmetric barrier layers: Inclusion of asymmetry in electron- and hole-state filling
- Laser equipment for hardness evaluation of semiconductor elements exposed to heavy charged particles (Review)
- Simple and efficient method of lines based algorithm for modeling of erbium doped Q-switched fluoride fiber lasers