最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.683「シリコンフォトニクスの拡大に貢献する光半導体高速実装技術を開発」など
- 産総研ら、ガンマ線の光渦を発生させる手法を発見
- NICT、量子通信の実証実験に成功
- Effects of gain nonlinearities in an optically injected gain lever semiconductor laser
Laser Diode
- Effects of gain nonlinearities in an optically injected gain lever semiconductor laser
- Phase noise characterization of a QD-based diode laser frequency comb
- Reduction of Laser Frequency Noise and Intensity Noise in Phase-Shifted Fiber Bragg Grating Acoustic Emission Sensor System
- Laser self-termination in trimer photonic molecules
- Evidence for the bias-driven migration of oxygen vacancies in amorphous non-stoichiometric gallium oxide