最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.683「シリコンフォトニクスの拡大に貢献する光半導体高速実装技術を開発」など
- NTT、光通信波長帯ナノワイヤでレーザ発振および高速変調動作に成功
- 産総研、光子一つが見える「光子顕微鏡」を世界で初めて開発
- PAPER (In,Ga,Al)P–GaP laser diodes grown on high-index GaAs surfaces emitting in the green, yellow and bright red spectral range
Laser Diode
- PAPER (In,Ga,Al)P–GaP laser diodes grown on high-index GaAs surfaces emitting in the green, yellow and bright red spectral range
- A way of analyzing the radiation pattern of a laser diode operating in the fundamental mode
- 633-nm single-mode laser diode module with PM fiber output
- Lensless digital holographic microscope using in-line configuration and laser diode illumination
- 1.9 W yellow, CW, high-brightness light from a high efficiency semiconductor laser-based system