最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.698「分子デザインにより高機能な有機単結晶レーザーを実現」など
- 産総研、光を光のまま伝える新時代通信システムを開発
- 口内炎はレーザー治療で早く治す!
- Cost-effective tunable laser gas-sensor module for high-volume applications, using DFB laser diodes in the NIR, and ICL in the MIR
Laser Diode
- Cost-effective tunable laser gas-sensor module for high-volume applications, using DFB laser diodes in the NIR, and ICL in the MIR
- Terahertz transmission properties of silicon wafers using continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy
- Demonstration of calibration-free WMS measurement of gas parameters with in-situ real-time characterization of laser parameters using cw-DFB-QCL, VCSEL and DFB lasers
- Laser diode structures with a saturable absorber for high-energy picosecond optical pulse generation by combined gain-and Q-switching
- A robust red-emitting phosphor-in-glass (PiG) for use in white lighting sources pumped by blue laser diodes