最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.698「分子デザインにより高機能な有機単結晶レーザーを実現」など
- 茨城大ら、光渦レーザーを磁性体に超高速でプリントする方法を提案
- NEC、超大容量光ネットワークに向けた光ノード技術を開発
- 43 Gb/s NRZ-OOK Direct Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP/Si DFB Laser
Laser Diode
- 43 Gb/s NRZ-OOK Direct Modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP/Si DFB Laser
- Analysis of the photon–photon resonance influence on the direct modulation bandwidth of dual-longitudinal-mode distributed feedback lasers
- Suppression of optical field leakage to GaN substrate in GaN-based green laser diode
- High-order external cavity modes and restabilization of a laser diode subject to a phase-conjugate feedback
- High-resolution mirror temperature mapping in GaN-based diode lasers by thermoreflectance spectroscopy