最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.673「 先進レーダ衛星「だいち4号」(ALOS-4)搭載光衛星間通信機器(光ターミナル(OLLCT))の単体性能確認を完了しました」など
- ピーター・ティールも認めた22歳「自動運転」起業家の野望
- コクヨ、業界最長の約60時間照射可能なグリーンレーザーポインター発売
- Linking transducer transfer function with multi-pulse excitation photoacoustic response
Laser Diode
- Linking transducer transfer function with multi-pulse excitation photoacoustic response
- Tunable X-Band Optoelectronic Oscillators Based on External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers
- Electro-optical characteristics of 808 nm ridge-waveguide lasers operated with high-current nanosecond pulses
- Sub-ppb nitrogen dioxide detection with a large linear dynamic range by use of a differential photoacoustic cell and a 3.5 W blue multimode diode laser
- Performance of Widely Tunable Multi-Quantum-Well and Bulk Laser Diodes and the Main Limiting Factor