最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.693「テラヘルツ波ケミカル顕微鏡を用いた微量検体中の 新型コロナウイルス内に存在するNタンパク質の高感度検出に成功」など
- JAXA、レーザーによる電力の伝送を実験
- 沖縄科学技術大学院大学、電子の運動の観測の視覚化に成功
- Method for predicting junction temperature distribution in a high-power laser diode bar
Laser Diode
- Method for predicting junction temperature distribution in a high-power laser diode bar
- Synchronization of two GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches triggered by two laser diodes
- Demonstration of optical rogue waves using a laser diode emitting at 980 nm and a fiber Bragg grating
- NIST’s Compact Gyroscope May Turn Heads
- Compact atom-interferometer gyroscope based on an expanding ball of atoms