最先端・光・レーザーニュース Vol.688「細胞の老化を高感度に可視化する画期的なラマン顕微画像化法を開発」など
- 東大ら、レーザー照射で消磁と金属化を放射光で観測
- NEC、対応周波数の自由度等を高めた光ファイバ無線システムを開発
- 2 nm continuously tunable 488nm micro-integrated diode-laser-based SHG light source for Raman spectroscopy
Laser Diode
- 2 nm continuously tunable 488nm micro-integrated diode-laser-based SHG light source for Raman spectroscopy
- Novel types of photonic band crystal high power and high brightness semiconductor lasers
- Over 1 W record-peak-power operation of a 338 nm AlGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode on a GaN substrate
- Low absorption loss p-AlGaN superlattice cladding layer for current-injection deep ultraviolet laser diodes open site
- 1-W level diode pumped Pr:YLF orange laser